high line orthodontics Invisalign


The Comfortable, Discreet Way to Straighten Your Smile

High Line Orthodontics in Chelsea, New York is proud to offer Invisalign®! Invisalign® is a comfortable, removable and discreet treatment alternative to braces. Rather than traditional brackets and wires, Invisalign® uses a series of custom-made, plastic trays to gently straighten your teeth and align your bite.

How Does Invisalign® Work?

During Invisalign® treatment, a patient is given a series of plastic trays that slowly move teeth a small amount with each set of aligners. A patient wears the trays at all times except when eating, drinking, brushing and flossing— around 20-22 hours a day. Trays are changed about every week to progress through the prescribed tooth movement.

Just like braces, Invisalign can treat a variety of malocclusions, including:

  • Too much space between the teeth

  • Crowding of the teeth

  • Underbite

  • Overbite

  • Crossbite

Invisalign® Technology

Orthodontists have been moving teeth with removable plastic trays for decades. More recently, the science of moving teeth with plastic has advanced considerably with the advent of 3D digital technology. Orthodontists, in partnership with Invisalign labs, have worked hard to improve the efficiency of aligner therapy. Today, orthodontists can achieve excellent results in complex cases using Invisalign as a primary tool. Using custom-made, thermoplastic materials, Invisalign gently moves teeth into alignment without the need of traditional brackets and wires. Although aligners may be available through various sources— online, in stores and mail-direct programs without professional diagnosis and supervision— the results of treatment greatly depend on the expertise of the tool operator, your orthodontist.

Am I a Good Candidate for Invisalign®?

While Invisalign® can treat a variety of bite and alignment issues, it is not the best treatment option for all patients. The best way to know whether or not Invisalign is a good fit for you is to schedule a consultation.

During your consultation, we will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and jaw and take digital X-rays to determine the best course of treatment. If it is determined that you are a good candidate for Invisalign, she will discuss the following factors so that you can make the best and most informed decision for your smile:

  • How much treatment is estimated to cost

  • What will be required of you to ensure a successful treatment experience

  • What to expect during treatment

  • How long treatment is estimated to take

Dr. Pompeii showing patient a scan of teeth

Benefits Of Invisalign®

There are many benefits to choosing Invisalign as a tool to straighten your smile. Some benefits include:

  • Aligners are discreet: Invisalign is made out of clear plastic, and is more discreet than traditional, metal braces

  • Less discomfort: Invisalign can be less uncomfortable than traditional, metal braces. Patients with Invisalign generally take less time to get used to their new appliances, and there are no brackets, wires or bands that can cause irritation

  • Fewer orthodontic appointments: Invisalign patients do not need to visit the office as frequently as patients with braces

  • No dietary restrictions: Because aligners are removable, patients do not have the same dietary restrictions as patients with braces

  • Brush and floss normally: Invisalign typically allows patients to maintain better overall oral hygiene because they can remove their aligners to brush and floss normally

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